Nurses Department

The Office of the nurse manager caters for all the activities of nurses and midwifes division of the facility.

The Division is made up of various categories and grades of professionals and non professionals, who provides both curative and preventive services to the populace.

Staff strength monitored and supervised by the Office stands 220 professional and 15 Health Aids under the year of review
The Office monitors and supervises all the activities of Staff nurses and midwifes, Rotation nurses and Students during their clinical sessions.

The nursing and midwifery department offers service at the following areas.

1.General wards(Medical and Surgical)
2.Maternity ward
3.Labour ward
4.Pediatric Ward
5.Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
6.Neonatal and Pediatric Consulting care
7.Operating Theatre
8.Ante natal clinic (ANC)
9.Reproductive and Child Health (RCH)
10.Out-Patient Department (OPD)
11.Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
12.Accident & Emergency (A&E)
13.Counselling and Mental Health services
14.Ear Nose & Throat care
15.Maternal and child health care
16.Public health services
17.ART services
18.24 Hours Accident and Emergency care services
19.EYE care
20.Medical and surgical services
21.Screening services
22.Health education services